
Halloween ha radici antichissime che affondano nei riti celtici. La festività celtica di Samhain, celebrata alla fine di ottobre, segnava la fine dell’anno agricolo e l’inizio dell’inverno. I Celti credevano che durante la notte di Samhain, il confine tra il mondo dei vivi e quello dei morti si assottigliasse, consentendo agli spiriti di tornare sulla terra.

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World Pasta Day

World Pasta Day is an annual celebration that highlights pasta as a fundamental element of Italian and global culinary culture. This festival was established to honor one of the world's most beloved dishes, bringing people together through food. The chosen date is October 25th, a day when the entire world comes together to celebrate pasta in all its forms and varieties.

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World Egg Day

Eggs have a fascinating history that dates back to ancient times. From being symbols of rebirth and fertility in many ancient cultures to priceless objects for the ancient Egyptians, eggs have transcended the ages as a symbol of life itself. Over the centuries, they have become an essential part of our daily diet and culinary culture. Today, eggs are one of the most consumed foods worldwide, appreciated for their versatility and nutritional benefits.

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World Beer and Pizza Day

World Beer and Pizza Day is an informal celebration that originated in Italy, the homeland of pizza, but has quickly spread worldwide. The exact date of this holiday may vary from place to place, but it is often celebrated on February 8th. The primary goal of this day is to appreciate and savor beer and pizza in the company of friends and family.

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World Smile Day

A smile is a universal language. No matter where you come from or what language you speak, a smile can convey empathy, kindness, and happiness. Smiles are contagious, and often, a simple smile is all it takes to brighten someone's day. World Smile Day celebrates this powerful form of human expression.

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