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A Real Dream

It was the night of the shooting stars, when the sky opened up in a dazzling display. Lights danced above me as I sat on that old wooden bench, gazing into the vastness of the universe. It was the perfect moment to make a wish, but not just any wish. It was the wish from when I was just a child, a dream I had nurtured for years and years.

As I sat there, a flash of light streaked across the dark sky, leaving a luminous trail behind it. It was as if destiny itself was smiling upon me, granting me a second chance. I closed my eyes and traveled back in time, to the years of innocence and youthful enthusiasm.

I was a child again, with scraped knees and a heart full of melodies yet to be discovered. I had an old toy guitar in my hands, and every note I produced was a step towards my dream. I dreamt of playing in front of crowds, of making the strings of the soul vibrate with my songs.

But time passes, and reality often strikes us with its cold fist. Growing up, I had drifted away from that dream. Responsibilities had piled up, duties had taken over, and the passion for music had become a distant memory. Yet, on that magical night, the child I once was still resided within me, with eyes full of hope and a soul ready to dream.

I opened my eyes and looked at the stars again, wondering if it was possible for that wish to come true. In the silence of the night, I retrieved a guitar I had kept hidden in my closet for years. The strings were a bit rusty, but still capable of producing melodies.

I began to play, fingers hesitating over the strings at first, but then gaining confidence. The notes filled the air, blending with the rustling of leaves and the gentle night breeze. It was as if the child inside me was finally getting his chance, a serenade to the stars that I had always dreamed of playing.

And as the last notes faded into the darkness, I realized that my wish, the wish to become a musician, had finally come true. No matter how much time had passed, no matter how many challenges I had faced along the way, that night I had rekindled my connection to my deepest passion.

The stars kept falling, and I remained there, with the guitar in my arms and a heart full of gratitude. The child I once was had been granted his wish, thanks to the stars shining in the sky and the courage of a man who had finally decided to listen to his heart.

And so, as the sky was painted with shades of pink at dawn, I remained there, ready to continue my journey as a musician. The stars had given me a precious gift, and I would honor that gift every time I strummed the strings of my guitar, carrying forward the dream of a child who never stopped believing.

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